Best Prayer for Depression

The best prayer for depression is one that has its foundation in the Word of God. A Prayer that agrees with and lines up to the truth in the Word. Therefore, we do not ask God to do something that He has already done.
Important Principle — To be really submitted, we must believe what has been accomplished in the Finished Work, and what Jesus spoke to us;
I have come that you might have abundant Life ….John 10:10-I have come to set the captives free ….Luke 4:18-The Truth will set you free, Who the Son sets free, is free indeed ….John 8:32-36 -I have Overcome the world, in me you will also..John 16:33 -You have been delivered out of the kingdom of darkness, finished work…Col 1:13
We all want God to take these problems away, to come and do it for us.
Faith demands, and our Father wants us to use what we have been given.
Through the victory of the finished work of Jesus, and for us to Overcome through what has already been done, and not ask heaven for things that have been done through the finished work.
When we are Submitted to God… Now we can Resist the Devil… Now they will Flee ……James 4:7
I now know that you have defeated the enemy for me, and that you have set me free from these things that have kept me captive, you have set me free !!!!!
This is a major mindset change, that lines us up to the scriptures, it is the beginning of our first steps into freedom from these oppression’s…..
Now we can go on to the bible remedy, James 4:7 Submit to God, Resist the Devil, and they will Flee.
Can we be Submitted to God… if we do not believe and trust in the finished work on the cross
He has delivered us out of the kingdom of darkness….
Now we must change our prayer from asking / begging to thanking Him for what has been done through the finished work
Author: Pastor Pat Buckley
Published on: May 1, 2016 @ 22:06